Negative bank balance

If your managerial bank balance dips below $0, you're in big trouble and need to act fast.
How can this happen
The system will not allow you to give your fighters more money than you have, or spend more money than you have on e.g. products or travel, so basically the only way you should be able to go into debt on your managerial account is if you run one of your companies into debt.
What happens
You will be given 10 days to get back into the positive and if this doesn't happen, your VIP membership will be cancelled and your bank balance will be reset to $0. Your account will not be deleted all together - you will just be changed from a VIP to a basic user.
How to get back into postive balance
There is no set way to do it but a reminder of all your potential incomes are as follows
- Selling a company (remember, this takes 7 days so do it early in your 10 day limit). Also note that if nobody buys the company and you're relying on this method, you're screwed.
- Your 10% cut from fighter earnings.
- Withdraw money from one of your other businesses. If you are lucky enough to have other profitable businesses, take some money out of one of those accounts to cover your costs.
Resetting your account
If after this time you cannot get your account back into the positive, your VIP membership will be removed, all your companies will be closed, your bank balance will be reset to zero and you will be reset to a basic user. This will mean you lose all VIP features and will have to select just 3 of your fighters to keep on managing.
You will have the option to re-purchase VIP membership and not lose your fighters but your companies will be gone forever.