Inactivity clause

The inactivity clause is meant to stop your fighters getting tied in to an inactive organization. The value is a number of days and if your fighter is not offered a fight for this number of days consecutively, he will be allowed to leave the contract.
On the contracts page the inactivity clauses is colored either green, orange or red.
- green: under 15 days.
- orange: 15 to 30 days.
- red: over 30 days.
When you are starting out you will no doubt want to fight more frequently. You will also be signing with less established (and therefore possibly less reliable) organizations. For that reason you will want to sign a contract with a low inactivity clause.
When you're more established or when you're signing with a more established and trustworthy organization you can afford to sign a longer inactivity clause.
Inactive organizations
If you do sign with an inactive organzation who fails to offer you a fight, you will need to wait for the inactivity clause to activate. When it does, a "leave contract" button will appear on the contracts page under the affected fighter. Click this button to free your fighter and sign with another organization. Unfortunately this is the only way to be released from an inactive organization. The gamemasters cannot manually realease you - the org owner has paid money to become a VIP and run an org and therefore we have to respect that and assume that they are going to return.
Clause Resets
The inactivity clause will reset if the organization offers a fight and;
- You reject the fight offer.
- Both fighters accept the fight offer.
- Your opponent accepts the fight and you leave that offer on the table for 10 hours or more.