Fighter free agents

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Any manager can decide to release a fighter he is currently managing. If he does so, the fighter will be placed on the fighter free agents list.

When a fighter appears on this list, all other managers within the game (who have a slot free for a new fighter), can put forward a request to manage that fighter.

At the end of a 7 days countdown period, the manager with the highest hype, who has offered to manage the fighter, will become his new manager.

My shortlist

This section will display a list of your shortlisted fighters. If you want to pull out of a deal, tick the box next to his name and click submit.

Releasing fighters

You are allowed to release one fighter every 30 days. You can release a fighter that you have taken on from the fighter free agent list, but this rule still applies. We do not want a high turnover of new managers for each fighter so think carefully before you decide to manage a new fighter.