Trusted Safe Online Poker Info 362741191

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There's a dirty little secret going on in the online poker world that men and women do not want you to know about. Almost every professional player knows about this secret and they've found a way to benefit from it. So can you.

Many people are unaware that any time you play online poker the poker room takes a small fee out of each pot. According to their rate structure it may be around 5% of the pot value. That fee is called "the rake."

But that is not the big secret. The big secret is the fact that you can get a large number of that money back!

Online poker is a massively profitable business. Top poker sites turn over which range from $1 million - $3 million a day. Their biggest cost is acquiring new customers. Among the ways they get new customers is to pay webmasters to put ad banners and links on their sites to entice you to play on that specific poker site.

Though the webmasters aren't stupid. They realize that people they can be sending to the poker room might generate hundreds or thousands of dollars in fees or rake and they have shrewdly negotiated profit sharing deals with the poker sites. In lots of cases the webmasters are earning 35% or even more of the fees/rake you generate playing on the poker site. And not just for a month or perhaps a year but for as long as you're a customer!

But then the leading players - individuals who generate sometimes tens of thousands of dollars in rake each month (yes, you'll find people paying $30,000+ every month in rake every month) - started to wonder why these webmasters were making all of this money when the player was the one actually generating the rake.

The greedy webmasters did not want to quit any of their cut and so they threatened the poker rooms to keep quite about how much money they were making. Though the smart players already knew. And many of them decided to generate a new system.

What they said was, "Hey, I'll become a webmaster too. And if the poker room is paying me 35% I'll give 33% back to visit my home page players and keep only 2% for providing the service." Basically, if you do the math, the top level guys generating thirty thousand dollars a month in rake all of a sudden were acquiring a windfall $9,900 a month back! That's over and above anything they might have won at the table, bonuses the site may have offered, or any other perks the site might have offered them for being such an excellent customer.

Now most individuals are reading this and assume that there is no way they can generate $30,000 a month so it's only profitable for the big guys. As a matter of fact, anybody can sign up at these sites. However big or small a player they are.

And one does not need to play at Phil Ivey nosebleed stakes in order to make a respectable income from playing poker. For instance, if you play $1/$2 NL poker and also can play four tables at a time (which is extremely doable with some practice) and play 42 hours a week, you might make approximately seventy six thousand dollars over a year just on rakeback. Even when you never won a penny at the tables you will be getting about seventy six thousand dollars per year back.

That's not really a bad living for most people. And if you play higher stakes, more hours, more tables, or actually win money playing poker then your total annual take gets even larger.

Imagine no boss, no commute to the office, no grinding away for some employer that will sack you the next sales drop. You have the freedom to work whenever you want and as much as you want.

But if you had to do it just on your winnings alone you could never get there. You could have to play either quite high stakes or for a lot of hours that most of the people would burn out. All because of rakeback, being a professional poker player is in the reach of nearly everybody.