Another Great Spinach To Enjoy Our Summers - Egyptian Spinach

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Egyptian Spinach, Corchorus olitorius, is getting very well-known as a summer vegetable in our part of the world. Molokhia/Molokheiya and many more names. It is thought to have originated in Egypt well before the time of Christ and was a common food in Egypt from the time of the Pharaohs. Molokheiya, an Egyptian term meaning "vegetable for king", is the Egyptian name for the soup. Wikipedia states that a sick Egyptian King around 6000BC demanded hot soup and was healed after consuming hot soup daily. Cleopatra could have also savored the similar soup. Egyptian Spinach and its many close relations grow throughout Africa as well as the Middle East, India and numerous parts of Asia. It is a common plant in subtropical and tropical regions all over the world.

It is cultivated as an annual. It will grow up to an metre high, bears small yellow flowers, and produces edible seeds that are shaped like pods. The edible leaves can be harvested continuously. It is extremely hardy and grows quickly. Similar to Okra, many of the same conditions for growth are present. It loves the heat and is able to handle dry and moist conditions (not wet) but doesn't like the shade.

large Egyptian spinach plant growing on lattice in green house

Are you considering growing one? It will grow in any soil type and is not particular about pH, however obviously prefers fertile moist soil. It is also able to thrive in pots. It is easy to prepare the soil as normal. Then, plant seeds in the exact spot into the soil where they will thrive. The months of spring and autumn are the ideal times to plant. Egyptian spinach seeds will grow better when they are bathed in hot water prior planting for at minimum a few minutes, Isabel Shipard recommends soaking for up to 12 hours. When the plant is about 40cm tall, you can begin picking leaves. The seeds that develop on the plant and fall to the ground, will rest in dormancy until next year. Egyptian spinach is relatively non-infested and pest-free. Caterpillars and grasshoppers will have a symbiosis with the leaves and during the hot summer they could be affected by red spider mites but generally not an issue. Seeds are available now from BOGI seeds.

The leaf is a rich source of minerals, vitamins and protein. Younger leaves can be eaten raw in salads, or on sandwiches and the older leaves dried or cooked. You can use leaves the same way as spinach. In Egypt the leaves are cooked in traditional soups made with garlic, coriander and meat. In other places it is cooked into a stew made with rice, cassava, and even chicken meat. There are many recipes available for this vegetable. Leaves can be dried , then powdered and made into tea. It can be kept for later use in stews and soups, for additional flavor as well as to thicken dishes . In Japan it is advertised in health food stores as a healthy tea. Young seed pods can be used in the same way as okra.

Since the Pharaohs, Egyptian spinach has been promoted as having health benefits. It is a tea that can increase your immunity and is also said to be helpful for treating constipation, cancer, anaemia as well as diabetes, cystitis fatigue as well as high blood pressure, menopausal symptoms, high cholesterol, obesity, respiratory problems as well as water retention. Tea made of leaves is said to aid during the birth of a child and boost the production of milk by mothers. You can use it to treat rashes, sore eyes as well as rashes, cuts and rashes.

Many of the species in the Corchorus genus are grown as a source of Jute due to their long, strong fibres in their stalks. Over the centuries the jute fibers were used to create a coarse yarn which was then transformed into rope and sacking fabric. The tallest, most unbranched, افضل بذور برسيم (visit the next internet site) stems are the most suitable for this. Stems would be soaked for several days in order that the matter of the vegetable would begin to develop a rotting process and the fibres are easily removed. Then they were washed dried and sorted for use. In some areas where this fibre is found, it can be used to create paper. Corchorus Olitorius is also known as Egyptian spinach, is best utilized to create Jute. However, some of its relatives are also suitable for other reasons.