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Revision as of 11:58, 11 December 2024 by MMATycoon (Sọ̀rọ̀ | contribs) (Created page with "right The Quick Fighting Championship is the only computer run organization within the game. It gives new fighters an easy way to get fights, in order to start off their career without having to convince one of the proper fight organizations to sign them. ==Limitations== Not every fighter is allowed to take a quick fight. Your fighter; * Must have hype of less than 75. * Must not be signed to one of the proper fight orgs. ==Booking a...")
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The Quick Fighting Championship is the only computer run organization within the game. It gives new fighters an easy way to get fights, in order to start off their career without having to convince one of the proper fight organizations to sign them.


Not every fighter is allowed to take a quick fight. Your fighter;

  • Must have hype of less than 75.
  • Must not be signed to one of the proper fight orgs.

Booking a fight

To book one of your fighters for a quickfight, go to the my fighters page and then click the link that says "Book a quick fight at the Quick Fighting Championships".

Once on the QFC page, all you need to do is click "Book" and your fighter will be added to the quick fight register.

If there is a suitable opponent already waiting for a quick fight then the fight will be booked immediately. If there is no suitable opponent, your fighter will be added to the list and wait for another appropriate opponent to request a quickfight.

How your opponent is selected

Location and weight are the only criteria used to filter opponents. Regular weight classes are used and your fighter can cut weight to get down to the correct weight class. The weighins happen when the fight is booked, so there is no making weight on the day of the fight.

The QFC matchmaker does not take anything else into account. He just books the first fighter to sign up against the second, the third against the fourth and so on. This may mean you find your fighter booked against someone with more experience but it's all a good learning experience for your fighter!

User Run QFC Orgs

Perhaps a little confusingly, there are also some "QFC Orgs" run by real life managers with the game. These are no-training organizations, where fighters do not train but can fight frequently. For more information on QFC Orgs, click here.