News and events

The news and events page is split into a number of sections for convenience.
Important News
This section displays news from the top 50 organizations within the game, as well as important news from game admin.
Smaller org news
Displays news from all the smaller fight organizations within the game.
Real world news
This section displays an RSS news feed from one of our partner news sites. At the moment, the news feed is provided by a sponsor site. If you would like to feature your news site here, please contact
Other companies
This section displays news from all other companies within the game (nutrition companies, clothing companies, bookmakers and gyms).
If you are a VIP user you can also subscribe to user/fighter/company blogs.
- Upcoming events: Displays the next 10 events which are due to happen within the game.
- Newest events announced: Displays the most recent 10 events to be created, irrespective of when the event will actually happen.
- Recent events: Displays the most recent events within the game. Note that events happen at 6pm in their local city so if you don't see any results yet, it's because the event hasn't finished yet.
Future Developments
We will shortly be adding a location feature, so that you can choose to display only news from a certain city.