Manager profile (manager)

This is effectively your homepage within the game. Nobody else will see this version of your manager page - they will see the public version if they try to view your profile.
The manager profile page displays a summary of all recent activity for your fighters and companies and also displays all your statistics.
Fighter records
Current fighter record
This is the combined record of all the fighters you are currently managing. This includes fights which happened whilst you were not managing fighters, if you have hired anyone off the fighter free agents list.
Historic fighter record
This is the combined record of all fighters you have managed throughout the history of the game. Only fights which happened whilst you were managing the fighters are taken into account here.
Other stats
- Hype: Your managerial hype is your ranking within the game. Your hype will go up or down based on your fighter's results.
- Hometown: Just for fun.
- Country: Just for fun.
- Location: For managers, location and base are the same thing. You are able to interact more easily with your fighters in this location by e.g. giving them possessions, such as clothing or nutrition supplements.
- Top fighter: This is your highest ranked fighter in the Pound for Pound (P4P) rankings.
- Fighters: The number of fighters you currently look after.
- Bank balance: The amount of money in your managerial bank account. You start with $0 - make sure you never go below that level otherwise you're in big trouble! - Click here for more information on this issue.
Contact details
From here, other users can send you in game mail, email directly to your email account or (if you choose to show it), you can display your instant messenger IDs, so that people will be able to add you.
Recent events
A list of recent events including creating fighters, creating / buying / selling companies, moving locations etc.
Last 5 fights
The last 5 fights that your fighters have taken part in.
Manager blog
VIP members can keep an in-game blog. If you do choose to keep a blog, please keep the language nice and clean and also keep the volume to a sensible level. You are allowed to make 1 blog post every 2 days.
Fighters (list)
In the bottom right you can find an easy-access list of all your fighters and also a link to create a new fighter.
Edit manager details
You can edit your manager details at any time on the edit manager details page, by clicking the orange folder in your menu. File:Editdetails.jpg