Fighter profile

The fighter profile page has both a public view and a manager view - in short, you are able to see more information about your own fighters than you can about other people's.
Fighter's Personal Details
The top section displays fighter's personal details. A couple of variables are cosmetic and have no impact on the game (Hometown and Country of Origin, fighter name, nickname etc). However, the majority of these variables will affect the fighter's in game performance. Many are self explanatory but a couple that could use a bit of an explanation are;
Current Location and Base relate to the fighter's whereabouts - note that staying in different locations will incur charges such as hotel fees ($100 per night), so be careful to watch your fighter's bank balance!
Then we have a section featuring some power bars; Hype, Morale, Popularity and Energy. These variables play a large part in determining rankings throughout the game, both for weight class rankings and P4P Rankings.
Sponsored by
Any sponsors that the fighter currently has, be that clothing companies or nutrition companies, will be displayed here.
Contracted to
If the fighter is contracted to any fight organization at the moment, they will be displayed here. They can be signed to a maximum of 2 fight organizations at any one time.
Belts and trophies
Displays any belts that this fighter currently holds and also any previous trophies that they may have won.
Initially you are not able to see other users' fighter stats. However, each time the fighter fights in public, it becomes more apparent what their strengths and weaknesses are and their skills are slowly revealed.
Displays what this fighter is currently wearing.
This displays the fighter's record, just like boxrec or sherdog's fight finder. You can click on the opponent's name to view their profile and there is also a link to the event commentary.
Recent events
Every time a fighter does something significant, it will be documented here, from having a fight to buying a new pair of shorts.
This section displays where the fighter is currently training and the quality of that gym.