If you would like to advertise on MMA Tycoon, please contact us at
Banner advertising
At present, adverts are displayed to all basic users, on the main site and we offer any ad size, as long as it is 120 pixels wide. If you would like an ad designing for you, we can do that too.
User stats
User stats to go here.
More unusual ideas for advertising....
Advertise on our "magic white clothing"
In the game, all fighters have a magic white t-shirt and a pair of magic white shorts, which is basically their default clothing, which they will possess at all times.
You can advertise on this clothing with your company logo or message, which will appear on any fighter's profile page who is wearing the clothing.
Running an in game company
If you own a real nutrition company /clothing company / fight org or bookmakers, feel free to create a virtual representation of your business within your game! Free advertising and a bit of fun to go with it! The only condition we ask is that if you are going to link to your website, if you have an affiliate system, please create an account for MMA Tycoon and use this link (and don't forget to send us the login details obviously -
Our real world news RSS feed
Within the game we have a news and events page. If you would like your news site to be the official news provider for MMA Tycoon, please contact us ( and we can discuss terms.