Customer Service Tips

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Customer Service Tips

Ensuring the customer who keeps you in business is
satisfied is crutcial. Here are some simple tips on
how to maximize your customer service:

1. Keep in mind the quality of customer service can
never surpass the quality of the people who provide
it. Keeping those who work for you happy will improve
the quality of service your customers experience.

2. Do for your customer as you would want to have done
to you. It’s an easy principle really, knowing that
your Employees take their cue from management. If you
the employer don’t set the services expected by
example, you are nto going to find your employees
doing as you would like. Don’t just tell them how,
show them. Customers will notice it too.

3. Remember you regulars. Remember to acknowledge
those who make regular visits. They appreciate it when
you have an understanding of who they are. Their
regular attendance pays your wages. Treat them with
the respect they deserve, you will keep them happy and
returning again..

4. Make a good impression. When your regulars come in,
they will seek you out again and again. Your good
service makes them want to return for your service.
There’s a sense of trust and contentment knowing
you’ve been a good representative of the company to
them. Your smile and kind words will leave a lasting
impression, and impression that will ensure they

5. Go the extra mile. Customers appreciate feeling
like VIP’s when they are being served. Giving then you
attention and any ‘special’ treatment will go a long
way on how they view the service they received. Ensure
you always thank the customer for their business and a
smile can go a long way.

6. Are your customers greeted when they walk in the
door or at least within 30-40 seconds upon entering?
Acknowledging your customer with a welcome and a
hello, accompanied by a smile will have a huge impact
on the rest of your service. If a customer feels
ignored they will leave and give their business to
another company.

7. Give customers the benefit of the doubt. The
customer is always right attitude goes a long way.
Even when you believe they are mistaken, give them the
courteously of listening go their complaint. Then do
what you can to resolve their concerns.

8. If a customer is looking for something specific, it
goes a long way if you can go out of your way to
ensure you can provide their request. For instance a
customer really wants an outfit you have in the store,
but their size is sold out. Making efforts to bring in
that item will really impress your customer. This will
in turn bring about repeat sales.

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procedures so all are on the same page will add an
overall good impression of the customer service you
have in your store.

10. Talk to your customer, if you know a few things
about them, you may be able to suggest items they
could use in addition to the products they are
considering. Don’t be pushy, just suggestive. Keep in
mind that the big money isn’t as much in winning
customers as it is in keeping your customers.